Eliza McCarthy is a London based pianist who spends her time playing new and experimental music.

Winner of the 2013 British Contemporary Piano Competition, she performs in concert halls, art galleries, theatres and living rooms across the UK, Europe and US as a soloist and band member.

She has had the great pleasure of working with, commissioning, premiering and recording works by many living composers including John Adams, Thomas Adès, George Crumb, Tansy Davies, Donnacha Dennehy, Andrew Hamilton and Laurie Spiegel. She regularly collaborates with Mica Levi (Under the Skin, Jackie) and their album ‘Slow Dark Green Murky Waterfall’ was released in 2018 on Slip. She was featured on Alex Groves’ debut EP Curved Form (No. 4) which was released in March 2019. 

About this Contributor

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Minutes created
GRC4 #38

Minutes by Eliza Mccarthy