Join us at 10.30am on Friday 12th June for Minute of Listening Live!

This Friday, we’re thrilled to invite you all to join us online for our first ever Minute of Listening Live! In this free, interactive Zoom session, we’ll discover the amazing world of DIY instruments, and learn how to make music with everyday objects in your home.

Guided by the artists who made them, we’ll explore minutes from our new collection, learn how they were made, and even make some fun sounds of our own… Spaces are limited, so if you’d like to join us be sure to sign up here.

Prepare to make some homemade noise with artists Phil Smith and Oscillatorial Binnage, as we explore our new collection like never before.

So, whether you’re learning at home or back at school, don’t miss out on what’s sure to be a really fun session; stay safe, get inspired and have fun listening!

Sign up for the session here